Prior Informed Consent or PIC, in short, refers to consent from members of a community that is based on the adequacy of information as well as time, before a detailed initial plan for any project is developed.
As Malaysia is one of the countries under the international legal obligation to the Nagoya Protocol (2010) and the Convention of Biological Diversity (1992) PIC is therefore crucial.
It enables members of the community to have their say on proposed projects, manage their village’s biological resources, have a clearer understanding of certain projects especially their potential and how they affect the community in terms of socio-economy and biological resources. PIC also allows the community to make negotiations on the sharing of benefits.
PIC must be obtained prior to the collection of biological resources that are associated with traditional knowledge
One crucial step in SBC’s process of obtaining PIC is to meet with community leaders. These meetings are held at resident, district and sub-district offices to seek permission to organise Traditional Knowledge (TK) documentation projects in the communities’ respective villages.
Permission is also sought for the organising of TK documentation workshops. These workshops highlight the different methods of documentation, using field notebooks, digital recorders, and digital cameras, and would be conducted prior to hands-on documentation and collection out in the field.
SBC will also seek permission from the local community to bring back the plants to its research facilities at the Centre. Each plant that has been brought back to SBC will be recorded in the Plant Specimen Form as an agreement with the community.
Thank you for choosing LitSara®, a product that has its roots in indigenous communities' traditional knowledge and uses. An equitable portion of the proceeds from your purchase will be shared with the indigenous communities of Sarawak who have contributed to the development of LitSara® and towards their ongoing efforts to document and develop traditional knowledge, and conserve biodiversity that has served mankind of uses over time.